Welcome to the World of Numerology
Numerology, explained simply, is the science behind the force of numbers. Indeed, numbers have the power to change our lives.
Every individual on this planet is born with certain lucky numbers based on their birthdate, given name, and planetary influences at the time of their birth. Cheiro, who wrote the first book on numerology, learned this science from some Vedic Brahmins, who were also scholars in astronomy. Based on his learnings, Cheiro concluded that an understanding of numerology can change the lives of humans for the better.
While numerology is a vast topic, we will attempt to simplify it in this guide. We cover some basics, like angel numbers and the connection between angel numbers and numerology. We also give important tips on using this knowledge to better your life and understand your life path.
Let’s get on with it!
Unlocking Angel Numbers, Spiritual Meanings, and Life's Mystical Messages
What Is Numerology?
Numbers are the very language of the universe. According to ancient texts on numerology, numbers do more than just add up. They carry special meanings and have the power to influence our lives. They are linked to the vibrational frequencies of the planets, which influence our careers, relationships, and more.
Numbers have existed since before the dawn of time. Before there were languages, there were numbers and symbols. These symbols revealed important relationships to man. They showed how important characteristics were related to each other. They led to an understanding of science and geometry. All this knowledge soon led to the agricultural and industrial revolutions, which contributed to the progress of man.
This ancient knowledge of numbers goes back to the time of Plato, Pythagoras, and Hermes. These scholars understood that the universe operates on mathematical precision. Without this precision, the creation of the universe and life on earth probably would not be possible. This leads to the age-old question and the debate of God vs. Science. Worry not- we won’t get into that. All we want to say is that the universe, which is nothing but energy, can be better understood through numbers.
Plato’s findings were based on the principles of sacred geometry—the study of symbolic messages associated with geometric shapes and proportions. This is why we see perfect symmetry in flowers, shells, beehives, etc. Concepts like triangles, squares, circles, spirals, cubes, and rectangles form the basis of everything in the universe. Plato assigned solid shapes like hedrons and tetrahedrons to explain the five elements—earth, water, fire, air, and ether.
The sacred text of the Jews, Kabbalah, also discusses this vibrational power of numbers. The Kabbalistic system deals with the birth names of people and the book has an analysis of over 400 numbers and 22 alphabets. In the ancient Vedic texts of the Hindus. the Atharvaveda examines the principles of numerology.
One must understand that numerology is as much an art as it is a science. While its study can help increase our spiritual awareness and open doors in the psyche that we never knew existed, we must also learn to take the knowledge based on context.
Different Numbers to Know in Numerology
Every individual’s numerology profile is determined by the following core numbers:
Life Path Number
As the name indicates, this number determines one’s true nature, identity, and life’s purpose. If a person is born on June 7th, 1978, then their life path number is 7 + 6 + (1+9+7+8=25, which is 2 + 5 = 7) = 20, which is 2 + 0 = 2. We will discuss this in detail, later in this guide.
Destiny number
Destiny number is calculated using the person’s birth name and digits assigned to the letters in the name. It is also called name number or expression number. Numerology assigns the number 1 to letters A, J, and S; B, K, and T have the number 2, and so on. This number gives you the path you are meant to walk on.
Soul Urge Number
Also known as the Heart’s Desire’s Number, this number will give you your true dreams and passions. It is also calculated with the full birth name but only considering the vowels in it.
Birthday Number
This is the single-digit total of your birth date, so if you were born on the 26th, your birthdate number is 8.
Personality or Inner Dreams number
This is calculated based on the consonants in your birth name.
For more details, check out our Basic Numerology Guide
What are Angel Numbers? How Do Angel Numbers Help with Spiritual Awakening?
We cannot discuss numerology without discussing angel numbers.
Angels, or spiritual guides, are guiding each individual on this planet. This is a guaranteed fact, whether you believe it or not! These heavenly beings guide us in the form of thoughts and feelings and are also continuously showing us signs.
These signs can be feathers, buttons, the appearance of certain birds and animals, and repeat dreams and visions. One of their favorite ways to guide us is through numeric sequences or repeated numbers. These are called angel numbers, and one might notice them on the microwave or digital clocks, on car license plates, your latest grocery bills, in phone numbers, and more.
These angel numbers reveal many important secrets and insights to us. We will discuss important angel numbers later in this guide.
Do check out: The Real Meaning of the Angel Number 369—Find out why Nikola Tesla Believed in This Magical Number!
The Connection Between Numerology and Angel Numbers
As stated above, angel numbers are repeat sequences that consist of two, three, or four digits. They can be numbers like 111, 222, 333, and so on, and even patterns like 321, 8787, 1212, etc.
The main difference between numerology numbers and angel numbers is that numerology usually considers single-digit numbers like 1, 4, etc. as lucky numbers. It also has three master numbers: 11, 22, and 33. On the other hand, the science of angel numbers usually considers repetitive series of numbers with 3 or 4 digits.
How Numerology Guides Spiritual Growth and Personal Insights
Numerology and angel numbers are mystical signs from the universe that give us insights and guidance in the following ways:
- It can help us understand patterns that could reveal past mistakes and give hints or ways to avoid them.
- With the study of numbers and sequences combined with the knowledge of astrology, one can decipher planetary alignments. These alignments can guide an individual in important things like marriages, careers, etc.
- Repeat numbers appearing in your day-to-day life assure us that angels and spiritual beings are watching over us. This can help us be more hopeful and confident when things get tough or when we are going through breakups, grief, or transition.
- An understanding of this science can help us make decisions with clarity.
- A belief in this system can help us understand our true purpose on earth. It can deepen our connection with the universe.
- By aligning with our lucky numeric patterns, we can vibrate higher.
- We can also get guidance on tweaking our spiritual practices. These, in turn, can help us align with our passions and talents and improve communication and interpersonal relations.
- This science provides us with an incredible connection with angels, so we can live our lives with peace and hope.
Understanding Angel Numbers: The Key Messages Behind Common Sequences
111 Angel Number: New Beginnings and Manifestation
Angel number 111 is a sign of good luck and opportunity. It is a sign that you will soon achieve the goal you have been working on. New beginnings are on the horizon for you—could be a new job or a relationship. Your angels are telling you to take the step with confidence. 111 indicates that your decision-making is on the right track and you are motivated and energetic. The angels are watching over you, so you are guided and supported.
222 Angel Number: Balance, Harmony, and Relationships
If you see 222, it is a sign that you must take a cue as to where you are and continue learning from there on. 222 also symbolizes balance, harmony, loving relationships, and spiritual alignment with the universe and spirit guides. The divine is blessing you, so trust that you are on the right track.
333 Angel Number: Divine Support and Guidance
The best message of angel number 333 is that you are receiving divine support and guidance. You are about to get incredibly lucky, whether it is in the field of your career, relationship, etc. For those who are single, 333 is a message that love is on the horizon.
Check out this detailed guide on the Meaning of Angel Number 333
444 Angel Number: Stability, Protection, and Trust in the Universe
444 is a sign that whatever you have been preparing for is about to manifest. You have done the work and laid a solid foundation. 444 is a sign from your angels that you can now sit back and enjoy the fruits of that labor. Your determination and hard work are about to be rewarded.
Also Read: Unveiling The Angel Number 444
555 Angel Number: Embrace Change and Transformation
Transition, spiritual guidance, manifestation, and embracing change are the main messages of this angel number. 555 means that you need to let go of old habits, relationships, or patterns that no longer serve you. Your angels are urging you to step out of your comfort zone and embrace change and transformation.
777 Angel Number: Spiritual Awakening and Divine Alignment
In love, 777 is a sign to ‘get present’ with your partner or significant other. It is the number of self-discovery, spiritual awakening, divine alignment, and personal growth. Financially, this number means that a huge change is about to occur and that change is positive with tons of financial gains. This angel number is said to be God’s triumph over 666, which is said to be Satan’s number. In casinos, 777, 7777, and 77777 are all considered divinely lucky numbers.
888 Angel Number: Abundance, Success, and Infinite Flow
888 is a special number because the number 8 is associated with spiritual awakening, luck, wealth, and abundance. As per Hindu scholars, 888 is the number of personal growth, self-trust, gratitude, personal growth, and positive messages from the universe. In love and relationships, 888 brings an abundance of romance, love, trust, harmony, and bliss. If you are going through a breakup, 888 is an indication that you need to let go—better things await you. In terms of career, this number brings good fortune and positivity.
Find Out- What The Angel Number 8787 is Telling You
999 Angel Number: Completion and Transition to a New Chapter
If you see 999, your soulmate is thinking of you as much as you may be thinking of them. If you are experiencing twin flame separation, the angel number 999 is a message from the angels about hope and renewal. 999 is also a divine message that you need to focus on yourself and your healing. This is a time to end the previous chapter and transition into a better life. The number 9 brings wisdom and lessons. If you are going through a breakup, it means you need to let go of the relationship and not hang on to it.
Meditation with Angel Numbers: Tuning into Spiritual Guidance
To embrace your angel number, you can do the following:
- Find a comfortable position and close your eyes.
- Take a deep breath, and while exhaling, mentally visualize and repeat your lucky number, angel number, or favorite number.
- This will take you to a deeper, healthier level of mind.
- Imagine the number’s warmth and power enveloping you and seeping through your core.
- You can relax your whole body by scanning it from head to toe. Relax each part as you scan.
- Continue visualizing the number and if needed, chant it a few times.
- If any thoughts disturb you, let them move away like a cloud in the sky.
Repeat daily at least 2-3 times a day for 21 days and see your life improve for the better!
Recognizing Signs of Awakening and Spiritual Alignment Through Angel Numbers
Spiritual awakening can bring about several changes—emotional, mental, and physical.
- You may feel more empathetic towards others
- You may have enhanced energy levels.
- Your senses may be heightened
- Sometimes, people experience headaches, fatigue, and sensitivity to their surroundings.
- You could even feel exhausted.
Here are some angel numbers linked to spiritual awakening:
- 1111—you have angels watching over you. They are communicating and offering support
- 707: this is a sign that you have found your life’s purpose and need to keep your goal in mind
- 1212: angels are sending you their blessings
- 369: Tesla’s favorite number—the key to the universe. You are a powerful manifester.
- 1234: you are on the path to completing your manifestation using a 4-step process. Prepare to receive good news
- 5555: Let go of old habits; embrace the new.
Numerology meaning and power of numbers 1, 2 & 3
- 1: Are you struggling with some negativity? Then the appearance of number 1 indicates that you are adding to the negativity by not thinking that you are in control of the situation. It is time to reflect on your concerns and focus objectively on the situation instead of letting negative thoughts rule over you. Embrace the change that is about to occur, as the number 1 implies birth or new beginnings.
- 2: This is a great number to see if you are currently going through a tough situation. Number 2 brings balance and stability. It also implies that you need to work on your relationships—be it with your business collaborations or romantic partners.
- 3: the number 3 means that it is time you increase your knowledge base and your ambitions. It means gaining things from collaborations and associates. The number means that luck is on your side, but the universe is also expecting you to push yourself towards achieving your dreams and aspirations.
The Spiritual Meaning of Number 4: Foundation and Stability
As per Hindu astrologers, the number 4 is linked to Rahu, a shadow planet. Individuals with this birth number are energetic, confident, and intelligent. They have excellent leadership skills.
For individuals whose Life Path Number (calculated using their birthdate) is 4, one can expect them to be practical, rational, methodical, and efficient. Four also has great spiritual significance and denotes the four elements—earth, water, air, and fire.
Finding Understanding in the Number 5
If you come across the number 5, then prepare yourself for some change. This is a good sign if you have been feeling stuck- whether it is in a job or a relationship. The 5 is a message from your angel guides that some major shift is about to occur. As per the life birth number chart, five is associated with the five senses—eyes, ears, nose, skin, and tongue. These people are sensitive and charismatic.
Understanding the Number 6 Spiritual Meaning: Love and Harmony
People born with a life number of 6 are energetic, empathetic, and natural caregivers. They are trustworthy, gentle souls. While some have a love for the luxurious life and tend to be secretive, most number 6 people are caring, loving, and beautiful and have magnetic personalities.
The Power of Number 7: Spiritual Awakening and Inner Wisdom
If your destiny number is 7, then you are likely to be philosophical, intuitive, and introspective. You are destined to do great things. 7 is considered to be a lucky number, just as the angel numbers 777 and 7777 are known to bring luck and fortune. If you get a partner with a birthdate adding up to 7, they are likely to be calm and compassionate. Those born on the dates 7, 16, and 25 are ruled by Ketu or Neptune, which is the 7th planet. This implies they are strongly spiritual, wise, and religious people.
Numerology Guide to 8 and 9
8 is a number that brings balance between the spiritual and material realms. Those born on the dates 8, 26, and 17 are likely to face challenges, but they are also equipped with the power and determination to face them. Number 8 also brings victory and prosperity. People with their destiny number 8 are likely to be leaders and hold positions of power and authority.
The number 9 signifies the end of one phase and the beginning of another. People with life path number 9 can let go of others and embrace others with different path numbers. These people excel in technology, defense, and medicine.
Numerology, especially your Life Path number, acts as a pointer in your life. It points you toward your life’s true purpose. It also empowers you to overcome challenges. It acts as a tool to help you find out about your character, future, and life in general.
There is a lot more to numerology than just mathematics. It does not just add up your birthdate or the digits assigned to your birth name’s letters. It considers the personality and essence of each number. Indeed, as per numerology, every number has a trait—a characteristic, its own life path, and its destiny.
The science and the art of numerology explore your birth name and birthdate. This helps us arrive at numbers that can reveal secrets about our character, talents, motivations, life’s purpose, and destiny. Numerologists can use these numbers to suggest the best time to marry, travel, change jobs, have kids, etc.
Calculating Your Life Path Number: What It Means for Your Journey
The life path number is the most important number in a numerology chart. It is a number that will never change throughout your life and can give your life’s outline. It can also give you an insight into the opportunities, challenges, and life lessons that you are likely to encounter.
Here is an example of how to calculate the life path number.
If your birthdate is 5th August 1972, then add up all the digits: 5 + 8 + 1972 = 1985. Add up 1+9+8+5 to get 23, which we need to reduce to a single digit, so add up 2+3, which means your life path number is 5.
Here is what different life path numbers mean for your journey:
- 1s – these individuals are creative, innovative, and extremely ambitious
- 2s – these individuals are the peacemakers. They are spiritual, honest, and calm. They make excellent listeners.
- 3s – warm, friendly people with great communication skills
- 4s – planners, fixers, builders. They are perfectionists.
- 5s – compassionate, excellent motivators, great communicators.
- 6s – highly supportive people. They give great advice
- 7s – great at analysis and investigations. Peaceful and affectionate.
- 8s – ambitious, goal-oriented, and prone to workaholism.
- 9s- generous, giving, magnanimous. Make friends easily.
The Role of Master Numbers in Numerology (11, 22, 33)
11, 22, and 33 are the master numbers in numerology—numbers with the highest vibrational energy.
- 11-People with 11 in their numerology charts are sensitive and highly intuitive. They are also sensitive and empathetic beings. These individuals do well to listen to their inner voice. They are usually charismatic. On the downside, they can turn arrogant quickly. They are sensual and romantic partners.
- 22- people with 22 as the master number are master builders. They learn quickly and improve themselves constantly. 22s also possess a lot of luck. They are idealists.
- 33- 33’s are master preachers. They are givers and helpers. They love humanity and constantly serve their fellow humans. On the downside, they are critical of others and sometimes possess a superiority complex.
Synchronicity and Numerology: What Repeating Number Patterns Are Trying to Tell You
If you see repeat number patterns or angel numbers, then you can take it as a sign from the universe. Here are some points to keep in mind:
- Repeat number patterns or angel numbers are green lights. They are a confirmation.
- The universe is telling you it is giving you its blessings.
- It is giving you the go-ahead for your project.
- Repeat numbers also means letting go of fears. Your angel guides are there to support you, so be confident.
How Numerology Provides Spiritual Guidance in Career, Love, and Life Decisions
Love: Everyone wants to find love and many singles turn to numerology to answer the question, when will I find love? A numerologist might use the love vibration number in your numerology chart to answer this question. The love vibration number is calculated more or less the same way as the life path number. However, it may consider the name you use rather than the birth name. A numerologist can also determine if you have similar vibrations by calculating the life path numbers and expression numbers of your partner. This can ensure compatibility.
Career: In terms of career, numerology can help you determine your life’s true purpose. It can also help you align your career with your talents and passions.
Life decisions: with the life path number, you can get valuable insights into your strengths and weaknesses. This can help you align your decisions with your innate talents and strengths. For example, if your life path number is 1, then you know you are a born leader but if it is 7, you are more inclined to spiritual pursuits.
Can Numerology Predict My Future?
Yes, numerology can predict the future. It can give you insights into the best/luckiest dates for you. This can help you make decisions and plans accordingly. The key is to find a good astrologer or numerology expert who can read your chart and guide you.
Practical Tips for Incorporating Numerology in Relationships, Health, and Career
- Seek the help of a numerologist to draw up your numerology chart.
- Alternatively, you can calculate your life path number as given above.
- Once you have the life path number, you can look up your characteristics and traits online or consult a numerologist.
- Sometimes, these experts recommend name changes, such as adding or deleting some letters from your birth name. This can change your life path number to favor your career, relationships, and health.
Numerology and Astrology: The Perfect Partnership for Spiritual Guidance
With the help of the Destiny number and life path number, numerology enhances astrology and provides an additional context to it. Numerology is also linked to zodiac traits. Each zodiac has a ruling planet that is assigned specific numbers in numerology.
The Connection Between Numerology and Astrological Signs
Numerologists believe that every zodiac sign has an angel number assigned to it. This number can offer guidance for that zodiac’s strengths and weaknesses. For example, the angel number for Gemini is 333. This number encourages people with the Gemini sign to embrace their creativity, curiosity, and the power of communication.
Numerology as a Source of Guidance
As can be seen, numbers—especially angel numbers, destiny numbers, and life path numbers—play a significant role in guiding our lives. They reveal patterns and insights that help us understand our true purpose here on earth, and make informed decisions. By noticing these numbers in daily life, one can use numerology to navigate challenges and enhance personal growth.
For more insights into how numerology can improve your life, do check out our other blogs on this subject.
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Numerology and Personal Insights
Numerology is more than just a study of numbers; it’s a powerful tool for gaining profound insights into your own life and the lives of others. By understanding the significance of numbers, you can unlock hidden facets of your personality, talents, and life’s purpose. Here are some key aspects of numerology’s role in offering personal insights:
Personality Traits: Each number has its own set of characteristics and vibrations. Your numerology profile can reveal your strengths, weaknesses, and unique personality traits, helping you better understand and embrace your true self.
Life Challenges: Numerology doesn’t just highlight your positive attributes; it also sheds light on the challenges you may face in life. By recognizing these challenges, you can work to overcome them and grow as an individual.
Life Path Guidance: Your Life Path Number serves as a compass for your life’s journey. It provides insights into the path you’re meant to follow and the lessons you’re here to learn. Numerology can help you make decisions that align with your life’s purpose.
Relationship Compatibility in Numerology
Numerology isn’t limited to self-discovery; it can also be a valuable tool for understanding your relationships with others. By comparing and analyzing the numerology profiles of individuals, you can gain insights into the dynamics of your relationships, both personal and professional. Here’s how numerology can play a role in relationship compatibility:
Compatibility Numbers: Numerologists calculate compatibility numbers by analyzing the Life Path Numbers of individuals. These numbers reveal the potential for harmony or challenges in a relationship. Discover how numerology can help you understand and improve your connections with others.
Love and Romance: Numerology offers insights into the compatibility between romantic partners. Learn how to use numerology to assess the potential for lasting love and passion in your relationships.
Friendships and Partnerships: Explore how numerology can enhance your friendships and business partnerships by revealing shared goals, values, and potential areas of conflict. Discover the keys to building stronger, more harmonious connections with those around you.
Numerology and Life Decisions
Numerology can be a guiding light when you’re faced with significant life decisions. Whether you’re choosing a career path, making a major move, or considering a life-altering commitment, numerology can provide clarity and direction. Here’s how numerology can assist you in making informed life decisions:
Career Choices: Discover how your Destiny Number can align with your career choices and steer you toward fulfilling and purpose-driven work.
Partnerships and Marriage: Numerology can reveal the compatibility between you and your potential life partner, helping you make informed decisions about your romantic future.
Major Life Transitions: Whether you’re embarking on a new adventure or facing a crossroads in life, numerology can provide valuable insights and guidance to support your journey.
With numerology as your guide, you can approach life’s pivotal moments with confidence and clarity, knowing that you’re making choices that align with your higher purpose and spiritual path.